
All KKU electronic services is available under this link

Faculty, Staff, Student
وحدة الجودة والتطوير

The  academic system, allows  faculty members and students to manage information and academic requests.

Faculty, Staff, Student

Self-service, is a number of  service offered  by the Deanship of Faculty Members and Employee Affairs to all university employees , such as  (salary inquiries - leave request - request for experience certificate - request for external scholarship).

Faculty, Staff

An e-mail service provided by the university in partnership with Google, which  enables  employees to access their e-mail and to send and receive messages.

Faculty, Staff, Student

Enjaz, is a proposed system offered to improve , develop and automate electronic mailing and archiving services , as well as serving all university departments to  achieve the university desired goals to   viewing and retrieving information and documents.